National Apprenticeship Week

National Apprenticeship Week

Young people might be starting out in their careers during uncertain and challenging economic times; apprenticeships will play a key role in creating new jobs and boosting the skills that employers need.

In the months ahead, we will see the Government place more emphasis on workplace learning with a commitment to rapidly expand the number of apprenticeships currently on offer. Also, expect to see more technical qualifications available in the space between A-levels (and other Level 3 qualifications) and degree-level studies (Level 6).

Modern apprenticeships are an alternative to staying in full-time education at age 16 or age 18 and offer much more than simply learning a trade. Apprenticeships are paid jobs with the typical apprentice spending 80% of their time working with the remaining 20% spent on off-the-job training. There are over 1,500 different apprenticeship roles and these are opportunities for people of all ages.

In recent years, apprenticeship standards have improved as these have been designed by employers. A modern apprenticeship is designed explicitly to increase the likelihood that the apprentice will obtain the skills, knowledge, and experience that they need to pursue a career.

Whatever the starting point, there is an apprenticeship route available.

Intermediate apprenticeships (Level 2) provide a lifeline for those who do not have pass grades in either GCSE English or Maths. Advanced apprenticeships (Level 3) are equivalent to x 2 A-level passes. The average length of these apprenticeships has increased from 498 days (2015-16) to 611 days (2018-19).

While the number of intermediate starts has fallen in recent years, we are currently seeing year-on-year growth in the number of higher and degree level apprenticeships. Increasingly, these are seen as an alternative to university as, although very competitive, there are no tuition fees involved.

The number of apprenticeships starts in England actually fell from 521,000 in 2011/12 to 393,000 in 2018/19 and, as with all walks of life, the COVID pandemic has proven disruptive with some apprentices being made redundant prior to completing their training.

But as we look ahead to life after the pandemic, apprenticeships will be crucial in providing the skills to aid the nation’s economic recovery.

In the past, many choices were made on the basis of whether you were considered to be an academic or practical learner. It’s always been possible to be both.

For those of you with children who have these choices on the horizon, it pays to look a little deeper at modern apprenticeships.

The Greater Manchester Apprenticeship and Careers Service (GMACS) is great for anybody still in school or college who wants to make more sense of their options (

Greater Manchester Higher’s friendly team of advisors are also on hand to help. You can speak to them:


Written by Ian McGarry, GM Higher Information, Advice and Guidance Manager

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National Apprenticeship Week
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Exam Workshop 1 – Revision Skills Y11

This inspiring and practical workshop outlines how to prepare for revision and highlights successful revision techniques. Learners have the opportunity via activities to consider and apply productive revision strategies. They will: reflect on their learning environment; identify five top revision hacks; and recognise the importance of effective revision as a life-long skill. All resources/handouts are provided by GM Higher. Ideally, this would be booked as the first in three exam workshops for Y11. It is also a standalone workshop. Workshop Details: Year group: 11 Group size: one class at a time Length: 45-60 mins Delivery method: In-person is preferable, but virtual delivery can also be arranged and streamed into multiple classrooms if this is the only way it fits into the timetable. GM Higher will need to record the participation of learners in line with our funding requirements, so we will ask you to provide a register.

National Apprenticeship Week
General IAG
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Exam Workshop 2 – Exam Success Y11

This informative workshop enables learners to approach exams in the best way possible. Learners take part in activities so they know how to fully prepare for exams. They will: apply the growth and fixed mindset; plan time management in exams; and design a revision timetable. Ideally, this would be booked as the second in three exam workshops for Y11. It is also a standalone workshop. Workshop Details: Year group: 11 Group size: one class at a time Length: 45-60 mins Delivery method: In-person is preferable, but virtual delivery can also be arranged and streamed into multiple classrooms if this is the only way it fits into the timetable. GM Higher will need to record the participation of learners in line with our funding requirements, so we will ask you to provide a register.

National Apprenticeship Week
General IAG
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Exam Workshop 3 – Maintaining Motivation for Exams Y11

This motivational workshop helps learners to stay positive in the lead-up to their exams. Learners participate in activities so they can fulfil their potential. They will: identify stresses that pull them down and stresses that drive them forward; use good stress to motivate themselves; and create a motivation plan to take away. Ideally, this would be booked as the third in three exam workshops for Y11. It would work particularly well around mock exam results. It is also a standalone workshop. Workshop Details: Year group: 11 Group size: one class at a time Length: 45-60 mins Delivery method: In-person is preferable, but virtual delivery can also be arranged and streamed into multiple classrooms if this is the only way it fits into the timetable. GM Higher will need to record the participation of learners in line with our funding requirements, so we will ask you to provide a register.

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