Student Finance

Tuition Fees

  • From 2025/26 universities and colleges can charge up to £9,535 per year for full-time study. Fees for study in a further education college may be less.
  • If you are identified as a ‘home’ student, you may be entitled to a tuition fee loan which covers the costs of tuition fees for your course.
  • This money is paid directly to the university or college by the Student Loans Company and there’s nothing to pay up front.
  • You are required to pay back your tuition fee loan but repayments don’t start until you have finished your course and you’re earning over the threshold amount – currently set at £25,000.
  • There are no tuition fees for degree apprenticeships but there’s also no student finance to support living costs.

Living Costs

  • A maintenance loan covers living costs you incur during your studies, such as food, rent, travel and course materials.
  • The amount varies depending on whether you live away from home, live at home with your parents or study at a university in London.
  • The amount also depends on your level of household income (the total amount your family earns each year before tax and National Insurance).
  • Again, there’s nothing to repay until you’ve finished your course and are earning over the repayment threshold.

Other financial support

Bursaries and scholarships

Many universities and colleges offer bursaries and scholarships.

These are financial awards that do not need to be repaid. The criteria for these can differ between universities or colleges.

A bursary and/or scholarship may be awarded based on family income or circumstances, academic merit, or in recognition of sporting excellence.

Full details of financial support available at each institution can be found on their individual websites or you can ask at an open day to find out what you might be eligible for. We’ve listed some bursaries and scholarships that our partners offer below.

Additional support

Extra financial support is available for students who are estranged from their families, have a disability, have caring responsibilities, have experience of being in care, or students who are parents.

Hardship funds are available for students in need and those struggling financially.

Bursaries and scholarshipslocal to you

The Sadler Bursary (for care experienced students) - University of Manchester

The Raheem Sterling Scholarship (for Black British students) - University of Manchester

The Cowrie Foundation Scholarship (for Black, British students) - University of Manchester

The Elizabeth Moley Bursary (for students from low-income backgrounds, studying Social Sciences) - University of Manchester

Further information

We know how important finance is, so we’ve pulled together some useful websites you can look at to find out more.

Student finance Money Saving Expert Save the Student The Student Room

Additional support

What other support is available?

Support on your chosen pathway is important. Here you can find out more about the right support for you.

Find out more