Supporting Estranged Students


Estranged students are young people studying without the support and approval of their family network.

An estranged student is defined as ‘a young person under 25 who has little or no contact with their parents (either biological or adoptive) and this is unlikely to change due to an irreconcilable breakdown in the relationship. A young person falling under this definition may have been in local authority care at some stage of their lives, but do not fall within the definition of a care leaver.’

Please find information below to help support your journey into higher education.

University Contacts

The University of Manchester

Manchester Metropolitan University

University of Salford

University of Bolton

Additional information

Student Finance

Estrangement evidence form.

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The Unite Foundation Scholarship

National accommodation scholarship scheme for care leavers and estranged students, for up to 3 years of study in higher education.

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Specific IAG for estranged students thinking about higher education.

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The other big questions

What are my further education options?

Here you can explore your options for once you’ve completed your GCSEs, whether it’s study further or something else.

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What are my higher education options?

Higher education can come in all shapes and sizes, and there are plenty of factors to consider when making your choices.

Find out more