The Life of a Lawyer – Trial Preparation & Advocacy

The Life of a Lawyer – Trial Preparation & Advocacy

About the event

The Life of a Lawyer – Trial Preparation & Advocacy gives students with Law interests the experience to work on an industry led mock court case. This activity has two parts to it: 1st session is teacher led where students are introduced to law, some hints & tips and given court cases to work on and the 2nd session is led in school/college by a professional, senior criminal lawyer who has experience dealing with a range of huge cases for the students to hear about his career and to crack cases!

GM Higher will need to record the participation of learners in line with our funding requirements, so we will ask you to provide a register.

Years Icon
Year 10 - 13
Calendar Icon
Date available on request
Clock Icon
On request
Location Icon
In school/college

Event Provider - Salford City College

Gatsby Benchmark

2 4 5 7

Available Places: 30

Enquire now

Enquiry Form

Please complete the form to submit a request to the Greater Manchester Higher team.

Start time
End time