Choices Day – Y9 Campus Visit

Choices Day – Y9 Campus Visit

About the event

This campus experience helps learners understand key aspects of life and study in higher education (HE), whilst linking their futures in HE to GCSE choices which will be a key consideration for all Year 9 students. The visit includes a comprehensive information, advice and guidance (IAG) session, a campus tour and workshop activity. 

Learners participate in activities so they can fulfil their potential. They will: 

  • Gain a greater understanding of education pathways to further and higher education.
  • Recognise the impact of GCSE choices on future pathways.
  • Be introduced to life as a HE student.
  • Work collaboratively to demonstrate their understanding of where their future choices could take them.

This session also aims to increase learners’ aspiration and motivation to achieve well in school and provide learners with a greater sense of belonging in HE.

Visit Details

Group size: 15-60 (depending on institution). Please note, depending on group size, there might be multiple schools attending the same campus visit. 

When making a booking enquiry, please specify in ‘further information’ which higher education institution you are interested in visiting and we’ll ensure it gets to the relevant team. Please note some institutions may be fully booked but we’ll try and find alternative arrangement. 

If you would like to discuss campus visits further, please contact your Hub Manager.

 GM Higher will need to record the participation of learners in line with our funding requirements, so we will ask you to provide a register.

Years Icon
Year 9
Calendar Icon
Various dates & times
Clock Icon
Various dates & times
Location Icon
On campus

Event Provider - Greater Manchester Higher

Gatsby Benchmark


Available Places: 15-60 (depending on institution)

Enquire now

Enquiry Form

Please complete the form to submit a request to the Greater Manchester Higher team.

Start time
End time