HE Support for Specific Groups

HE Support for Specific Groups

About the event

This presentation covers the extra support available to specific groups, when considering and transitioning to higher education. This includes advice on accessing support and how it differs to school and college.

Content of this session can be tailored to disabled learners, young carers and care experienced learners.

GM Higher will need to record the participation of learners in line with our funding requirements, so we will ask you to provide a register.

This session is also suitable for parents and carers and CPD for educational professionals.

Years Icon
Year 11 - 13
Calendar Icon
Date available on request
Clock Icon
On request
Location Icon
In school/college

Event Provider - Greater Manchester Higher

Gatsby Benchmark

3 7

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Enquiry Form

Please complete the form to submit a request to the Greater Manchester Higher team.

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End time